Special Educational Needs and Disability at Heckmondwike Primary

Heckmondwike Primary is an inclusive primary school which welcomes children of all abilities. We cater for a range of special educational needs which are related to children’s differing needs whether these are learning needs, social and emotional needs, physical needs or emotional well-being.

My name is Miss Amanda Crompton, and I am the school SENDCo.
I work alongside teachers, children and parents to ensure that all pupils at Heckmondwike Primary meet their potential.
For all children to meet their potential it is vital that we all work together in a very holistic way to share our knowledge of the child and provide consistency between home life and school life.
At times we may need to access outside support services to work alongside us to ensure that your child is provided for and has the best possible start in life.
We work closely with the Educational Psychology Team and Early Years SEN Team to identify children who may be experiencing difficulties from a very early age. I meet with our Educational Psychologist every term for a planning meeting to update her and to discuss and get advice for children who may be experiencing difficulties.
School can also refer children to a range of outreach specialist support teams if we feel this is required. We have strong working relationships with
- Speech and Language (S&L),
- Hearing Impaired team (HI),
- Visually Impaired team (VI),
- Complex Communication and Interaction team (CCI),
- Physical Impairment team (PI),
- Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy (OT).
- Thriving Kirklees.
There may also be other agencies we work with.
For children who need support with emotional well-being we are able to refer to CAMHS and within school we have staff who are qualified to deliver Drawing and Talking sessions with children.
We will always aim to meet children’s needs through quality first teaching and interventions either for individual pupils or in small groups.
If a child still needs support then we may put together documents for the child which identify the needs of the child and appropriate small step targets for them to work on over a period of time. The first document is an Individual Support Plan (ISP). This may over time then become a My Support Plan (MSP) and if a child has more complex and/or multiple needs then it may be decided that we need to apply for an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). It is important to remember that all children are unique and we have to allow time for targets to be delivered and reviewed before we can move onto the next stage of the SEN process.
As a school we have a wide breadth of experience of staff working with children with special educational needs and always strive to continue to develop our understanding and expertise.
If you feel that your child needs extra support or help or you are worried about their progress please speak to the class teacher in the first instance about your concerns and they may then liaise with me for advice and support.
For school contact details please get in touch.
If you would like to help your child at home please click the following link for more information – http://www.senteacher.org.
If you would like to learn more about support, services and activities for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Kirklees, then visit the Kirklees Local Offer.